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Ebbie Linaburg

Ebbie Linaburg


Ebbie Linaburg retired after approximately 40 years in public education and continues to support education as a member of a local education foundation and as a board member of VASCD, where she currently serves as chair of the awards committee as well as collaborating on VASCD's microcredential initiative. During her career in public education, Linaburg taught secondary social studies and later had experience as an elementary assistant principal, a middle school principal, and the assistant supervisor for special education and student services. In the final years of her public education career, she served as assistant superintendent of instruction.

Blogs by Ebbie
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Professional Learning
How Microcredentials Can Save Professional Learning
Eric M. Carbaugh & Laura McCullough et al.
1 year ago

Books by Ebbie

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Building Educator Capacity Through Microcredentials


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