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Donald S. Kachur


Donald S. Kachur is Professor Emeritus of Education from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois. He holds a doctorate in education from Indiana University in Bloomington. He served from 2001 to 2008 as the full-time Executive Director of the Illinois affiliate of ASCD. Don is a workshop trainer for the Illinois Administrators Academy, the Illinois Principals Association, and the Illinois Association of School Administrators. In the business realm, he served as an executive consultant at State Farm Corporate and participated in the delivery of State Farm Advanced Management Seminars. In addition, Don served as a certified trainer with Motorola, Inc. for their Leadership Development Institutes for school superintendents and Executive Leadership Institutes for school principals. He coauthored the book Classroom Walkthroughs to Improve Teaching and Learning (2010). He has also published in the NASSP Bulletin, Phi Delta Kappan, Kappa Delta Pi Record, Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Staff Development, Florida Educational Leadership, and The Clearing House. He is an active member of ASCD and served on its board of directors from 2007 to 2010. He can be reached at dskachu@ilstu.edu.

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Books by Donald S.

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Engaging Teachers in Classroom Walkthroughs (Print Book)


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