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Better Than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management


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Classroom management is traditionally a matter of encouraging good behavior and discouraging bad by doling out rewards and punishments. But studies show that when educators empower students to address and correct misbehavior among themselves, positive results are longer lasting and more wide reaching. In Better Than Carrots or Sticks, longtime educators and best-selling authors Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey provide a practical blueprint for creating a cooperative and respectful classroom climate in which students and teachers work through behavioral issues together. After a comprehensive overview of the roots of the restorative practices movement in schools, the authors explain how to

Table of contents

Relationships and Meaningful Instruction: The Foundations of Restorative Practices

Classroom Procedures and Expectations: Structures that Support Restorative Practices

Peace Building: Using Informal Restorative Practices Every Day

Peacemaking: Strategic Implementation of Formal Restorative Practices

Creating the Mindset for Restorative Practices

About the authors

Dominique Smith is the principal of Health Sciences High & Middle College in San Diego, California, where he also serves as a culture builder and student advocate. He is passionate about creating school cultures that honor students and build their confidence and competence.

He is also a social worker, mentor, national trainer for the International Institute on Restorative Practices, and member of ASCD's FIT Teaching® (Framework for
Intentional and Targeted Teaching®) Cadre. Smith is the winner of the National School Safety Award from the School Safety Advocacy Council and coauthor many books, including Better Than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management and Building Equity: Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners.


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